The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145531   Message #3367210
Posted By: Genie
23-Jun-12 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 of 48
Subject: RE: BS: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 of 48
Jim Bakker was raped more than once while he was in prison.   Jeffrey Dahmer was murdered in prison by other inmates.    There are quite a few other well documented cases of prisoners being beaten up, raped, and even killed by guards or by other inmates, in the US anyway.

But even if the incidence is way overblown in movies and crime-related TV shows, the fact that so many of us joke about it, talk about it with such relish, and accept the depiction of our 'best' law enforcement agents as using or condoning such tactics is appalling.

There's good reason why we don't sentence people to be drawn & quartered or publicly flogged, etc., or beaten up or raped.    It has more to do with our own character and that of our society than with what any particular heinous individual "deserves."