The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27456   Message #336839
Posted By: Jon Freeman
08-Nov-00 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Hearme-Paltalk New Hearme Now
Subject: RE: Hearme-Paltalk New Hearme Now
Dave, if we are to use PalTalk, there are various options that could be considered.

The first choice is whether to make a group permanent or temporary.

A temporary group needs to be set up each time it is created but that doesn't take too long. A group can be open to all, private or password protected. The drawback with creating a private room is that it requires emails being sent to allow others in. If we are to use this type of room, and want to restrict access, I feel that password protection would be a better solution.

A permanent group allows the settings to be given once but requires someone with admin rights to open the room (a group can have an unlimited number of admins). It seems to have the advantage of allowing more control over obnoxious users, as any admin can boot them. It offers the choice of an open or a locked room, a locked room requiring a code to enter.

On top of this there is the question of ratings for a room. The choices are G - general audience including children, R - adult content but no sexually explicit conversation and A - anything goes!.

I am still not sure that we need to make a move yet and would be reluctant to do so unless we have to. My own inclination would be to set up a permanent open room (I think we can be welcoming to others provided we have admin control) with a rating of R (The reason I suggest R is that G rated rooms are monitored and are subject to text filters and I object to that on principle) and to hand out the admin key to anyone who may require it.

Before we do anything other than test the operation (sound quality and suitability for us), I feel that more discussion is needed especially if a permanent room was to be used in the future.
