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Thread #145598   Message #3368905
Posted By: Songwronger
27-Jun-12 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
This will no doubt be a Luciferian movie. Prometheus, the bringer of light, Lucifer. Confusion from watching the movie will be due to the the conscious images onscreen conflicting with subconscious symbolism. It's hard to meld a seemingly straightfoward story with brainwashing allegorical propaganda, so maybe this movie didn't pull it off so well.

It's been a while since I looked at the movie reviews on the site below, but they're the most interesting I've ever come across. Reviewed by hardcore Christians. Agree with them or not, the movies are analyzed with a strong worldview in mind:

That's their review of Alien. Never read it until now. Interesting, but pretty lackadaisical. Some of the other reviews are amazingly complex and drive home their points very effectively. A list of other reviews is to the right of the page, up high.

The article about Hollywood's Satanic Agenda is interesting.

Entertainment is where we recieve most of our propagandizing. The marketers know that we largely tune out the politicians, but we'll sit excited as children at a movie premier, or while waiting for a season premier of a TV show. That's where they reach in and change our morals, with video events. And endless repetition of themes. Like the Luciferian stuff.