The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144362   Message #3369038
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
28-Jun-12 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: Neilson/McCulloch ballad workshop Lewes
Subject: RE: Neilson/McCulloch ballad workshop Lewes
Ballads now chosen apart from Bonny Hind itself:

Two Magicians
Cruel Mother (Sussex version)
Death of Robin Hood
Sir Patrick Spens
Sheath & Knife
Wigginstown (Roud 1902)
Something Croatian
You Roving Boys of Pleasure
There Were Roses

We still have places; don't leave it too late to reserve a ballad. It's a great priviledge to welcome Anne and Gordeanna to Sussex; Anne tells me that she hasn't driven south of Notingham before, so the rarity value of this workshop is almost as high as the musical excellence.

Valmai (Lewes)