The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27475   Message #337078
Posted By: GUEST
09-Nov-00 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: american politics is a joke
Subject: american politics is a joke
to our international friends enjoy the show you lucky people. can I come stay with you. Bushes brother obviously tampered Bush cant find Canada on a map but we are suppose to believe he was the first person to know ,despite what the exit poles were saying, that he had won Fla. 8 years of "he didn't inhale yeah right" "we have to restore the dignity of the white house" "impeach him over his non political dirty laundry" "impeach him for a scandel we threw tax dollars at for 6 yrs without finding anything" on and on now we are stuck with a man who's every venture has been a FAILURE he failed in Daddy,s Oil he has a pathetic record as gov. and he hasn't done COCAINE SINCE HE WAS FORTY.(youthful mistake) his dad was a roten pres his brother Niel was perdened by dad for stealing a whole lot of money from the US , his brother Jeb just helped him tweak his results in Fla. AND HE LOST THE DAMNED ELECTION BY 200,000 Votes his competition is almost as bad . its the narcisism of small diffrences. but you dont have anyone else. so your forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils then your vote DOESNT COUNT ANYWAY

God help the semi retarded individuals who buy this crap ( a # I fear is astoundingly high) to sum up AWFUL CHOICES electoral college NEGATES VOTE ELECTION TAMPERED WITH MEDIA SPIN KEEPS THE TRUTH FROM COMING ANTWHERE NEAR AND WOODY GUTHRIE IS STILL DEAD HELP