The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27475   Message #337140
Posted By: Peter T.
09-Nov-00 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: american politics is a joke
Subject: RE: american politics is a joke
Well, I for one find American politics hilarious, but I remain grateful that it is a messed up democracy with all its flaws and not a smoothly run dictatorship (or even a badly run dictatorship). I have spent time in dictatorships -- some supported by America, stupidly enough -- and American politics may be a joke, but the other variety is bitter, and sad, and inhumane , and viciously soul-destroying. An elected George W. Bush is one million million million times better than any of the spawn of those monsters.

yours, Peter T.

(an anti-Yankee, left-wing 3rd Party Canadian!!)