The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27475   Message #337269
Posted By: Troll
09-Nov-00 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: american politics is a joke
Subject: RE: american politics is a joke
According to news reports from Tenn. Gore has two arrests(NOT tickets, arrests) for speeding; one in a chase trying to escape the police.
What's even more interesting is that the Deomcratic party has made a political icon of a man who got drunk, ran his car into the water, left the scene of the accident, did not report it for hours thereby insuring the death of the passenger in the car, bribed or threatened the parents of the victim tom refuse an autopsy and got off scott free.
The man? The senior Senator from Massachusetts, Edward Kennedy. The Victim? Mary Jo Kopchne.
At the Deomcratic convention they had Kennedy Night where the Senator and his family were lionized.
And then the Democrats have the BRASS BOUND BALLS to condemn Bush for a DUI arrest.
That is so hypocritical as to beggar belief.
