The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145751   Message #3373274
Posted By: GUEST,Mr Kevin Bottomrung
07-Jul-12 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: Getting on the bottom rung
Subject: RE: Getting on the bottom rung
Al, johncharles, anyone else who's curious about who this guy channeling his inner teenager actually IS--I think it's highly likely you've seen links to my music on the Cat before now. I would rather not make a link between my music and this thread, however. I mean, imagine the scene: you're at a festival/in a singaround/in a singaround at a festival/whatever, and you've just been graced by my dulcet tones. Your neighbour turns to you and says, "Who was THAT?" Ah, you reply knowingly, that was Fred--you remember, that guy who posted on Mudcat all about how nobody would give him a booking and life's not fair. "Oh right," replies your neighbour (who appears to have turned into Father Dougal), "it must be terrible having an attitude problem like that."

I don't think this thread reflects too well on (the real) me, basically.

Blandiver - hullo der! No guessing in public please, that would be just so unfair.