The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145751   Message #3373862
Posted By: johncharles
09-Jul-12 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: Getting on the bottom rung
Subject: RE: Getting on the bottom rung
I had been a floor singer for thirty years. Not a bad singer mediocre guitarist. I got together with, a couple of friends about five years ago one of whom is a very good guitarist the other is a fiddler, both of them sing. A small group allows much more variety and depth of sound. It is also good for mutual support.
We started with half hour spots at our club and one or two others - you need to put yourself forward for these.
we practiced weekly and tried to build a large and interesting repertoire, which meant we got get gigs which involved two 45 minute sets with no worries about having enough material.
we set up our own session in a local pub, good practice for playing in public to different audiences. Ask friends acquaintances to help with getting gigs and don't turn any down it is all experience. john