The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145751   Message #3375172
Posted By: GUEST,Blandiver
12-Jul-12 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Getting on the bottom rung
Subject: RE: Getting on the bottom rung
Looks like Folk has sucked the Fun out of this thread. Twas e'er the way, alas! As the old saying goes As long as there's dog shit in the street, Folk 'n' Fun shall never meet (or is that another Penguinism?) A perfect reflection of the summer really - I had this one tipped as this year's Silly Season Thread, but seems the awful weather has dampened our spirits to doom & gloom. Still, looks sunny enough out there today though, with lots of reasons to be jolly cheerful indeed, like my New Penguin Book of English Folk Song which arrived earlier in the week reminding me of what this folk thing is all about really & what attracted me to it in the first place. And not a ladder in sight, much less a folk club, just the wide open pastures of our commonland and the clear vistas of nebulous humanity floating as fair weather cumulus in clear blue skies.