The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145331   Message #3376247
Posted By: frogprince
14-Jul-12 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
Subject: RE: Frog prince thoughts and prayers for my wife
We've been having a really nice afternoon, with one really odd moment. We just spent a couple of hours at a "garden party" - artists selling, artists painting, musicians, food concession - at the private gardens of some obviously very wealthy folk a few miles away. All sponsored by the art gallery in town and a number of local businesses. So, we were meeting a bunch of folks who hadn't seen how Judy is doing since the big blip; all cool. Then, Judy happened to mention the new great nephew we acquired a few days ago. The only thing was, she informed those present that he was born on an airplane. Strangest thing she has said since just after the attack.
No harm done, might as well laff I guess...