The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145787   Message #3376550
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jul-12 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gitmo Prison here to stay?
Subject: RE: BS: Gitmo Prison here to stay?
The fact o0f the matter, GfinS, is what I have been consistently saying about Gitmo:

1. It can't me moved because the TeaPubs won't fund the move...

2. It can't be shut down and everyone sent back to their countries because:

    a. Some of the folks there really are bad guys...

    b. If Obama were to do that he would more than likely
       suffer some serious consequences politically

3. The people held, at some point in time, need to have their cases adjudicated...

Thems, for now, are the TRUTHS surrounding Gitmo...

So, reality being what it is, given the TRUTHS of the situation "demanding" that people tell the truth is not going to get us anywhere... Getting the TeaPubs out of Washington, however, will create a climate where we move this sad and disgusting chapter along... It's not the Democrats or Obama that are blocking forward movement here, GfinS... It's the rabid TeaPubs who don't want any success for Obama... This is 100% right wing politics trumping policy...
