The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145896   Message #3376632
Posted By: George Papavgeris
15-Jul-12 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: Want to sing or play at Folk21 showcase?
Subject: RE: Want to sing or play at Folk21 showcase?
We will take a weighted average of the distances - no, I am joking! We'll have to take a view on this depending on how many live in or out of the M25, or more importantly where their "base"/home club/centre of operations is.

It is not exclusively relevant to young artists either. The average age of the first 10 applications already received is around 30-35. The question is who would benefit the most from exposure to the London clubs, in other words they must intend to take up any opportunities generated - this is not simply so that they can put Cecil Sharp House on their CV! And we need to balance this with putting together a balanced three-hour concert that is as inclusive of different styles, genres etc as possible.

As for this being a cheap way to stage a concert of big names - think again. These names will not be big, not in London; if they were they would not need the exposure. And furthermore, the Regional Day delegates (club organisers etc) will be attending as part of the day's events (free). Count the tickets we are likely to sell and see if you can come with a big fortune in the offing - I can't, indeed I have already committed some of my personal money to go into this.

Let me reiterate something I just posted on Facebook:

We (the Folk21 Focus Group and anyone else helping out regionally) are all volunteers. I just spent £60 in petrol and my Sunday including 6 hours on the motorway, to attend the Focus Group meeting in Staffordshire. I did not do it to promote myself (I will get no paid gigs out of the whole business). I did not do it for the feeling of "importance" some people may get from involvement in community projects. I did not do it to promote my friends and acquaintances. I did not do it for recognition and anyone's thanks. I think I perceive a problematic situation and I propose to try and do something about it. I am indeed a committed activist. Anyone who wants to join me on the M1 to help out is welcome. Anyone who does not see the situation through my own prism is welcome to his/her perspective too. Anyone who just wants to sit on the side of the road and watch me, fine by me. But anyone who wants to stop me and question my motives or actions every step of the way, I hope will be understanding if I don't always have the time to answer.

Those who know me will understand. Those who don't should ask those who do.