The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145925   Message #3377026
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-12 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
People who can afford it go to a great variety of different places to get some specific medical treatment they want at some specific clinic, from some specific doctor, maybe an alternative form of treatment to what they would get in their own country or community....

And so they go to France, Italy, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Sweden, Germany, Japan...whatever. The go if they can afford it, and if the specific thing they want is available there in that country.

It has nothing to do with any flood of people going from Canada to the USA. It happens all over the place for a great variety of reasons, and it involves just a few people, all of whom have their own reasons.

To say this is no reflection at or con...regarding the viability of universal, tax-supported health care as exists in Canada and numerous other countries.

It sounds like your governor is cherry-picking a few specific cases of Canadians going to the USA for treatment to try to prove some sort of scary political point he has dreamed up which probably has no basis in reality.

In other words, he's spreading false propaganda to try to scare people off the idea of publicly funded universal health care. All he has to do, I imagine, is utter the word "socialism", and they run screaming in panic! ;-)