The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145925   Message #3377070
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Jul-12 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
Exactly. Like I said, those who can easily AFFORD it will go wherever the hell they want to for medical care or anything else...and that might be to the USA, France, Cuba, Japan, Germany, Italy...whatever suits their desire.

That's what it's like to be independently wealthy.

The whole point of a universal publicly funded health care system is that the 98% of the public who CAN'T afford emergency health care will have access to it anyway...and it won't put them into bankruptcy.

The way the political Right talks in the USA, you'd think that there was no one living there except millionaires, because that's whose interests their line of talk appears to have relevance to. And yet...millions of Americans who aren't millionaires fall for it! That's the really unbelievable part, but it's a result of a popular culture that believes a whole set of primitive mythology...pretty much like an extreme fundamentalist religion, it's an attitude based on blind faith alone, not on any actual knowledge or experience of anything.