The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145927 Message #3377075
Posted By: GUEST,Jon Dudley
16-Jul-12 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Copper Family Video / Film
Subject: RE: Copper Family Video / Film
Bob was not a motorbike fan unlike his son and son-in-law. You may be thinking of a programme strangely named 'Coppers and Bangs' in which John carted Bob around in the sidecar of a 1919 Quadrant then in his possession. The whole recording nearly came to a sticky end when on the usual umpteenth take they requested that the intrepid duo set off down Firle Beacon...proving too much for the rudimentary brakes, disaster was only averted by a sharp right turn into the long grass. As anyone who knows about the conducting of a sidecar outfit will tell you, in an emergency, a right turn is far preferable to a left.