The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145925   Message #3377537
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
17-Jul-12 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
Subject: RE: BS: Gnu - Stream of Canadians to US????????
This guy is an idiot who is just wrong.

For the second time in five days, Maine Governor Paul LePage compared the IRS to the Gestapo, and warned the agency "was headed in the direction of killing a lot of people."

On Thursday, Governor LePage elaborated on comments he made last weekend in a radio address.

"What I am trying to say is the Holocaust was a horrific crime against humanity and, frankly, I would never want to see that repeated. Maybe the IRS is not quite as bad — yet."

He then added: "They're headed in that direction."

Paul Heintz of The Seven Days asked the Governor if he had "a sense of what the Gestapo actually did during World War II."

"Yeah," LePage responded. "They killed a lot of people."

"And so the IRS is headed in that direction?" Heintz asked.

"Yeah," the Governor said.

"They're headed in the direction of killing a lot of people?" Heintz asked again.

"Yeah," LePage said.

"Wait, are you serious?" Heintz asked in a follow-up.

"Yeah, I'm very serious," the Governor added.

Gov. LePage went on to explain that he was concerned about rationing.

"They ration health care in Canada, that's why a lot of people in Canada come down to the U.S.," he hold Heintz. "I'm saying the federal government is taking away the freedoms of Americans to make choices."