The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27434   Message #337930
Posted By: MiriamKilmer
10-Nov-00 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: THE WINNER
An article in the Washington Post states that Florida Law requires that the hole be placed to the RIGHT of the Candidates name, and that all the holes be on THE SAME SIDE of each candidate's name.

The ballot in Palm Beach County was illegal four years ago, and it's still illegal. Nobody bothered to contest it four years ago when 15,000 ballots were double-punched and thrown out. That was - um - unwise. The election in that case was not so close that those 15,000 votes would have made a difference. This time it does make a difference. The mistake should be rectified, regardless of whose fault it was, how stupid they were, and whether or not it changes the outcome. Anybody can make a mistake. We all do stupid things on occasion. Being unwilling to correct such errors is the height of - well, never mind. As Auntie Em said, "if I were not a Christian, I would tell you just what I think." (paraphrased)