The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145967   Message #3379359
Posted By: Songwronger
20-Jul-12 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birther update
Subject: RE: BS: Birther update
This is such a hateful thread. Why are you people so hateful?

And why do liberals feel so free to call black people "niggers?" You would probably argue that you do it in a rhetorical sense, but do you?

You liberals have argued for special treatment for blacks for decades. You've succeeded to the point where you now have a black man in the white house. But he's not YOUR black man. You wanted a "negro" there, but instead you got a hydra-headed CIA freak. And now you're mad. You should be mad at yourselves, but you're not mature enough to accept responsibility for your mistake, so you direct your anger at others. The sad fact is you put a monster in office. He's giving the poor people in America "austerity," and he's bombing the shit out of the poor in other countries.

Obama just signed the NDAA after he said he wouldn't (he claims the NDAA gives him the right to kill you if he wants to), he just issued the EPIC Executive Order, where he can shut down the internet if he wants to, and so on. A bad man. A very bad man, black, white or purple.

But you Pavlovian dupes have been trained to salivate over the race issue, so I don't expect you to see how bad Obama is. Obama = black, right? That's all that matters.