The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3379642
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-Jul-12 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....
Over there seems to be two camps deeply suspicious of each other.

The Freiends of Guns - lets 'em FOG's and the enemies of guns, EOG.

Neither side are happy about these incidents like Denver.

two points;-

I used to live in Nottingham, England - sometimes referred to as the capital of gun crime i the UK - although it must be said you could live all your life in Notingham and never see a gun. The fact is if you ain't a drugs dealer or a police officer, you won't own a gun. Most police officers don't carry guns - just the armed response units.

Anyway one night - a nut climbed to the top of a pub- he had a shotgun - but he soon had fired off his crtridges to little effect. then he was hailed by the police helicopter, and he proceded to fire firework rockets at it.

Imagine if that nut had access to the kind of guns and weapons he could have got in America - it would have been a very serious incident - instead of a bit of light relief . FOGs - you're kidding yourselves if you can't admit that keeping guns out of the hands of people who might, or might not be crazy wouldn't give the general public a greater degree of protection.

2) Binge killlers - we seem to be producing them in ever greater numbers. Even places like Norway - and in England - we've had Dunblane, Hungerford, and at least two other incidents in the last few years. We need some sort of register for people who are on the edge of doing this. Its no use getting professionals - we need centres where these folk have to present themslves and be monitored, taking their drugs, and how they interract should be noted. I believe in self- help groups - they need to be monitored by people who know what the depths of this depressive behaviour feels like - fellow sufferers.

EOG's - a good supportive community would not be producing these people.