The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27475   Message #337969
Posted By: Robo
10-Nov-00 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: american politics is a joke
Subject: RE: american politics is a joke
Nya-nya-nya-nyaaa-nya! You are flamin' good, Fionn, gotta say that. You take it to a new level in fact. Clifton backs off, seeking a higher ground, and you slam him again for what he's just apologized for. Sticks and stones may break bones but this European elitism will never hurt anyone. I appreciate your forgiveness, but how in bloody hell am I to know you're from the UK? So I suppose I should forgive you for not knowing that we are, too! Bottom line then, grow up. Get your nose out of the air or at least tend to your own stinkin' business.

I'm reminded of a tune. Hit it, Steve:

"The day you're born they sign a piece of paper

That will certify the date of your birth

And the day you die they sign another

Just to prove you've gone back to the earth;

And between those two piece of paper

There is a truth that is so hard to find

And the story of your life is written,

But you must read in between the lines."