The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3379702
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jul-12 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....
BTW, gun control ain't about what happened in Colorado...

It's about what happens every day in America...

100,000 people will be shot in the US this year, and next, and next, and next...

This is insanity on meth...

Yes, people are messed up... But when you make very dangerous weapons readily available to messed up people that is irresponsible...

I don't give a flying fuck about your rights to own what ever kinda of gun you want if in owning it you are infringing on my rights to not get shot...

We need sanity restored to this country and quit letting Redneck Nation run the show...
