The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3379748
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jul-12 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....
About the comments asking why there was no one in the theater who had a gun and who could have shot the idiot before he did so much damage....the idea being that if, like Arizona, concealed carry is legal, and a larger % of the populace was armed, we would all be safer.

When Congresswoman Giffords was shot in Arizona, there WAS a young man 'packing' who was right there. He explained that he almost drew his weapon and shot the aide who was helping Giffords, mistaking him for the shooter. In the heat of the confusing moment, it is just as likely one will do the wrong thing as the right thing.
If you think YOU would 'be more careful' and are more likely than most to guess right..... then imagine the scenario where 'most' are packing! How many testosterone-fueled good-guy vigilantes would you want pulling weapons in a dark,crowded theater?

My point is- there ARE some good people who are reasonable, sane and well-trained in firearms. There are several who post here whom I would generally trust with my life in a situation where firearms were needed useful. However- if concealed carry were both legal & common, I do NOT believe that most would BE well-trained, sane & reasonable. This guy in Aurora was legally sane & reasonable--until he wasn't-- and bought his weapons legally.

So... what is the answer? Basically, the test should be: do you NEED certain types of firearms, not can you USE them. Are you a hunter? Then, sure...pass certain tests and you may own hunting rifles. But pistols?... large magazine or not.. PROVE your personal job or situation requires it! Then pass all sorts of training & review BEFORE you get a license. Auto or semi-auto assault-type weapons? NO! Police and military only!

Do I realize there are already thousands of pistols and AK-47s & such out there in the hands of not-quite-trustworthy folls? Sure... I am totally aware that my suggested rules & regulations would be hard to implement...but we MUST start somewhere! If the rules had been in place one year ago, this latest idiot might not have found it so easy to be a dangerous idiot!

In all situations where we find ourselves "waist deep in the Big Muddy", the first rule is don't wade out NECK deep! Then rule 2 is: slowly wade back towards shore.
If you are worried that too many fools have too many guns, the answer is NOT 'go get a gun of your own'! If that was a basic response, the old joke about a "circular firing squad" would not be very funny after awhile.

I am sure all those who own various guns will find all sorts of arguments.. as does the NRA.. to disagree with me. It is always VERY hard to back down from a long-held position - especially an emotional one. It was once quite fashionable to have duels, beat wives, and own slaves. I hope my great-grandchildren will be able to go to a gun museum and say.."gee, people used to keep those things at home!"