The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3380315
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie Cornish
23-Jul-12 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....
Why not ban the movies, or at least TONE THEM RIGHT DOWN....

Insatiable, disturbing violence fills the heads of so many children these days, YOUNG children, tiny children, with innocent minds, pretty much 'empty minds' just waiting to be filled with information about this world they've arrived in...

We used to fill their minds with Childhood, but now it's filled with Violence and Sex...

Most children struggle through *somehow* and don't grow up to start re-enacting their video games or their favourite films...

Many children, thankfully, still grow up in countries where bottles of perfume are kept beside the bed, rather than guns..

But SOME children grow up where guns are as natural as breathing, where violent movies are what you watch whilst munching the popcorn, absorbing all the special effects, the blood, the gore, the ripped bodies, the deaths, the evil etc...and some of those children will take the films/video games they are watching absolutely 100% literally....and one day, they will *explode*

There are many such Ticking Time-Bombs 'out there' folks, thousands, and ever-increasing...

Add to this the stresses and strains that many people are under now, which is going to get a LOT worse, and things will be 'snapping' far more than before..

I'm lucky, I live in a country where most people wouldn't ever dream of having a gun, where it is alien to do so, but gangs, criminals etc, are on the increase and the violence in many cities is worse then it has been in the past...But on the whole, the UK is NOT a place where the average person carries a weapon...

From the day the Chinese invented gunpowder TROUBLE was brewing...Since that time millions have lost their lives because of bloody wars, in hatred, in minds that don't think along 'normal' lines...

But just tell me, even though this man obviously has such a mind, what other kinds of minds apathetically accept the growing violence infiltrating their children's minds every single day, without question, without comment, without worry?

We are in DEEP shite folks, all around the world and the time truly has come to WAKE UP.....

Dan, I'm very thankful your daughter made it through. Much love to her, to you and to all other parents/families affected by yet another tragic tragedy...