The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5088   Message #3380675
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jul-12 - 02:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Once upon a time, the Goose drank wine...
Subject: RE: Origins: The goose drank wine?
Look on the main Mudcat page.

See the box (blue and gold like a cub scout dinner) titled "Lyrics and Knowledge Search"?

Type the term "goose drank wine" into the box to search the Digital Tradition and Forum and select Search..... VIOLA! !! fifteen years of discussion presented for your perusal.

BTW - please add to the discussion - when, and what geographic location did your mother sing this song ... and where do you believe she might have learned it?

(to use the term "loki " you must have been lurking for quite some time at mudcat)