The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3381098
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jul-12 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....

In case you haven't noticed, 100,000 Americans are shot every year... With better response time and better medicine lots are living that even 20 years a go would have died...

Ol'ster's desire to having been in that theater wouldn't have changed the outcome... It would have made it worse... No offense to Ol'ster... That is reality... Bad enough with one gunman... Double them up and who knows... Like I said, no offense to Ol'ster...

Snipers make a difference... More fire power in a crowded theater don't... Do the math...

This idea that what we need to do is have more folks packing heat to make us safer is insanity on crack...

Have you ever been in a rumble or bar fight... Unfortunately for my nose (2nd time broken) I have been in a bar fight... Had folks all been packing heat then I might not be here tonight...

No to more guns... It's like leech therapy... More ain't gonna cure ya'...
