The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27527   Message #338168
Posted By: Rick Fielding
10-Nov-00 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was the fix in?
Subject: RE: BS: Was the fix in?
Me too bert.

I think Doug was simply using "Dumbo" in the "Dumbo the Elephant" sense....and of course that's the symbol for Republicans. He simply meant that a lot of Republicans actually voted for Buchannan when they meant to vote for Bush.

Now what about those "Donkeys" who say they were turned away at the polling station?

Yup, John Hardly, CNN, NBC, CBS etc. are over the moon about this! Every rightwing radio talkshow host as well. Can you imagine Rush Limbaugh's dillema if Bush had won (without controversey). He'd have had to devote the next four years to Hillary Clinton, and even HIS faithful would have gotten sick of that.

The bottom line (oops, s'cuse me, MY bottom line) is that the political future of everyone involved in this is KAPUT! Neither Bush, Chaney, Al, Joey, especially Jeb, and possibly Colin, will forever be connected with a snafu that is gonna stay vicious for a long time. Does anyone think that Dubya will get co-operation from Dems? Does anyone think that Algore will get co-operation from Repubs? Have you seen the not-so-carefully concealed hatred from the candidates' flacks the last three days? Do you think that's gonna mellow out? I don't.

I'd be lookin' at 2004 if I was a politician, and trying to find two candidates who had NO involvement in this. I'm not blaming Bush and Gore. I think for politicians they're probably decent men....but they sure fell into a pool of quicksand.

Possible scenario: Gore concedes. Bush inaugurates. Several months later the lawsuits go in favour of the Florida voters who say they were jobbed. Results are overturned. Turns out that Gore wins vote AND electoral vote.....BUT he conceded.


Rick (why the hell am I so interested in American politics?.....'cause you should see how dull Canadian politics are.)