The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27475   Message #338215
Posted By: DougR
10-Nov-00 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: american politics is a joke
Subject: RE: american politics is a joke
Moll: I think it is going to be very difficult for either Bush or Gore to govern. Bush, for the reasons you gave, and Gore because he is (I think) going to be viewed by many people as a spoiler and bad sport before this is all over. Consider, also, the make-up of the Congress. It appears that the Republicans may have a majority in both the senate and the house. Which President is most likely to get cooperation? I know, Gore supporters, if Bush wins, will view this a good thing. But do you think Gore is going to get better cooperation from the majority in congress to get his programs through? It's a mess, and I, personally, do not think there will be any real winners, regardless of who wins the election. And at the moment, we don't know who that will be.

Mousethief: I think your comments to Fionn are right on.
