The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145956   Message #3382182
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
27-Jul-12 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: Its why people dont go to folk clubs....
Subject: RE: Its why people dont go to folk clubs....
"ah, dear old shimrod, does not like shanties, neither does he like people singing the teapot song with the actions,shimrod has a catholic taste in dislikes"

If you read my contribution above, GSS, you will nowhere find anything about me not liking shanties (in fact those old Lloyd/MacColl records formed part of my introduction to folk song). What I was objecting to was people who hog sessions by singing every verse of a shanty that they've been able to dig up.

As for my having a "catholic taste in dislikes", well, you may have point there ... But then I am an old git now - so I've got a full "grumpiness licence".