The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146073   Message #3383228
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jul-12 - 12:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Men the Superior Race??? Well???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Men the Superior Race??? Well???
Well, yes, I think our society really overdoes the germ phobia, though there is something to it. Keeping your hands clean is a good idea....but many of the household cleansers people use to "kill germs" are full of toxic chemicals which are probably considerably worse for your health than most of the household germs you imagine you're protecting yourself from by using the cleansers!

Bobert, Chongo has been amusing himself by imagining all the neat ways he could annihilate you. He went out and bought a great big stuffed bear, calls it "Bobertz", and has it sitting in his office. On a slow day he throws darts at it, fires a few rounds through it with the M1911 pistol, and generally entertains himself that way. Yesterday he hung it by a noose from the flagpole on the side of his building and encouraged local apes and monkeys to throw "stuff" at it. He was finally forced to take it down when Mrs McGillicuddy called the police about it. Chongo and Mrs McGillicuddy are old enemies. She lives on the floor below him, and they have had a long series of disagreements about a great many things. She objects to the sound of sustained gunfire after 11 pm, for instance.