Laika, I've enjoyed reading this thread because of the wonderful responses you received from mousethief, Malcolm, Helen and Bruce. Helen was especially eloquent when she explained how this public forum works. We sometimes forget to explain how to find all the information here. (Your question prompted me to put the word "Greensleeves" in the search box to find not only the words, but all the previous discussions on this song.) I also put the word in the google search engine (which is easier to do than creating a thread here) and was amazed at all the information about this song.I once received an email from what appeared to be a young girl (~12 years old) asking why the Greensleeves lyrics were so different from the Christmas lyrics she had heard. At first I thought it was a joke, but then read between the lines and realized she was a very young girl who was not afraid to ask a question. I hope I answered her question without telling her more than she really wanted to know. Anyway, she thanked me, and that made it all worthwhile from my perspective.
Thanks to all the people who give so much of their time to publicly answer questions in this forum. I, like most people here, probably read 30 or 40 threads for every one I respond to. I think Max (the guy who runs this place) once said something about passing on the traditions and knowledge...and also attending some performances...and that's what I've tried to do...and my life is richer for it.
Thanks again.