The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146094   Message #3383549
Posted By: Penny S.
30-Jul-12 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mitt & the Brits
Subject: RE: BS: Mitt & the Brits
When I looked up that quote about us having potentially been taken over by the Nazis were it not for the Channel (and there's so many other what ifs if that had been true, that it ill behoves any WASP American to go down that road), he did go on to say that despite being small and so on, we had had a major empire. Not sure if he thought that was a good thing, but it did seem a bit of rhetorical opposition of ideas, and not so anti-Brit as the first part implied.

But, if we (stressed) are a degenerate second class nation, what does the world have to worry about from a degenerate first class nation? Given that there is so much that is good about the USA, about its founding documents, and its so many thoughtful, generous and open-minded people, how are we expected to react when a bunch of over-financed, under-educated holders of ideas which came out of the Ark (or which they think came out of the Ark) get to run it and all its weaponry? (Small and local or earth-threatening.)

And our bankers hold fundraisers for the guy!!! I almost wish I hadn't switched from Barclays for some pettifogging faults some time back, so I could do it more publicly now. Are there rules about foreign money being used in election campaigns over there?
