The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3384106
Posted By: GUEST,Litto
31-Jul-12 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Hi, I'm a new Mudcat member and I'm writing a book about Bill Leader - I don't know why nobody has done it before - and would welcome anecdotes, appreciations, brickbats and any Leader-related information from fellow Mudcatters. > Now, this also involves tracking the fate of Bill's Trailer and Leader labels, and this trail leads directly to Celtic Music supremo Dave Bulmer. Similarly, has anyone got any Bulmer stories? This, towards a Dave Bulmer Dossier which could form a feature of the book. Here is a Leader/Bulmer hotline - 0161 226 5461 (my name is Mike) - to ring and establish contact. > Incidentally, to finance the project, I've lately acquired over 1000 folk LPs from the collection of the late Ian Chappell (an outstanding collector, based in Hampshire), with the intention of selling some doubles and others on eBay. My account is one-for-every-fair-and-rainy-day and Mudcatters will receive a discount. Thanks... >