The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3384556
Posted By: GUEST,punkfolkrocker
01-Aug-12 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
I'll say it yet again on one of these threads.

The expensive "Bright Phoebus" CD I purchased in all innocence off ebay
was not a CDR but actually a factory presed silver disc
with barebones but apparently properly printed artwork

.. and on first impression the couple of tracks I quickly sampled seemed 'ok' HiFi audio listening
on my small desk top monitors

Until I made time to sit and enjoy it with full attention on a good CD player & studio quality headphones.

That's when I was dismayed to experience dreadful distortions on Lal Waterson's vocal dynamic peaks.

I have not played the CD since - it's a shoddy audio product and a complete waste of money.

Until informed otherwise I presume it is an amateurish digital transfer,
using low grade equipment, of either a worn out tape or a poor condition vinyl LP.

It is definitely not the state of the art digital transfer and CD mastering
that this LP deserves and should receive
from today or tomorrows most capable & technologically equipped specialist professional digital transfer engineers.