The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145889   Message #3384581
Posted By: Bat Goddess
01-Aug-12 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Son of Where's Micca??!
Subject: RE: BS: Son of Where's Micca??!
Oh, gawd...United. Last time I flew United we ended up leaving Oakland at the same time we should have been landing at O'Hare. I HATE O'Hare...and had to spend 6+ hours there while United moved the boarding gate several times. Didn't help that I was broke enough not to be able to afford sustenance and neither of my next two flights back to Manchester, NH served anything more filling than mixed nuts.

Good luck, Micca!

BTW, if you check the declutter thread, you'll find what I've been dealing with for the past week and a half. I'm just hoping the facial and arm rash (and everywhere else, too, alas; just not visible) will have other shoppers at the grocery store later figuring I'm contagious and will keep out of my way (so I don't have to kill them). I REALLY wish Tom were more mobile so I could drive him to the store. Actually, I REALLY REALLY wish he could see to drive as well.

This too will pass (the rash and Tom's mobility problem, at least).
