The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3384652
Posted By: GUEST,Punkfolkrocker
01-Aug-12 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
"no one has a sense of humor about it."
Maybe because there's too great a sense of overwhelming despondency....????
Normally I'm an 'if you don't laugh you'll cry kinda guy' much to a lot of mudcatters annoyance.
But when it comes to precious valuable cultural heritage archives such as movies and music and literature etc being lost permanently because of petty business disputes, stubborn bitter stupidity, and short term profiting asset stripping...
It's bad enough all the mass of early movies & sound recordings gone forever because of inadequate fire-trap storage conditions and short sighted willful destruction to clear space for new product..
Many would without doubt still be contenders for nicely profitable re-release.
Most others would surely still merit preservation in public digital 'museums' ??? [yes we know it's a complex minfield of rights & funding - but new technologies...]
You'd hope rights owners might have learnt from past unintelligent mistakes and show some sense before it is all too late.
Even if only in their own potential financial self interest.