The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3384720
Posted By: GUEST,Stim
01-Aug-12 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
This thought is particularly entertaining:
"The cost just isn't a valid excuse any more. If he wanted to, he could reissue a lot of this stuff very cheaply."
It presupposes that "The Evil Dave" is accountable for not investing his money the way that you think he should.
I like this, too "As for the less commercial recordings, they could simply be offered as downloads without going to the expense of manufacturing CDs."
It ignores the fact that considerable expense is required to create the downloadable files in the first place, let alone the expense of putting it all online. And then of course, there is the effort of getting the appropriate publishing clearances, registering copyrights on the newly created materials, payment of appropriate royalties for online distribution.
Again, though I appreciate that the music is interesting, you can't save everything, because if you do, there isn't room for anything new.