The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21900   Message #3384939
Posted By: GUEST,Maxina Ventura
02-Aug-12 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Tomorrow (Peggy Seeger)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tomorrow (Peggy Seeger)
This amazing song was written earlier. I was singing it by 1987, and was taught it by and English singer and a German singer who had heard it sung in Germany. They said that it was written by Peggy after she'd spent time at Greenham Common, reflecting on why some of us have done what can seem so extreme, of taking time from the rest of our lives to be part of a vigil or occupation such as these women's.

When I was recording a (yet unreleased) album, back in 1990 I contacted Pete after having sung this song for years, not having any idea who had written it, but asking it every time I sang it in public (frequently)... before the internet in most of our lives. Finally, someone said,"I think that may have been written by Peggy Seeger." So when Pete heard I was singing it about and was recording it, he was thrilled. He said that there are many young activist singers out singing satirical political songs, and that that has a place, but that he didn't see many young activist singers singing songs of such depth. He was touched to know I was singing her song.

I guess I no longer qualify as "young" but I continue to share that song which could be written by me, had I Peggy's talent, awhile back singing in introduction to Dr. Helen Caldicott presenting; recently before a professor from a Japanese University gave a true update on Fukushima; and this weekend I shall sing it as part of a UU service entitled Hiroshima to Fukushima". This song has become part of the fabric of my life, without doubt. Thank you, Peggy!

Maxina Ventura