The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3384963
Posted By: GUEST,Litto
02-Aug-12 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Bernard, I'm a regular at Oddfellows myself, usually in Bill's corner and frequently with my partner Eva, somewhere in the vicinity of Bob, the scout-master, and Monica, the lovely German lady who doesn't like sad tunes but never says so. If you're around, identify yourself and say hello.
Kevin, yes, please ring - again, that's 0161 226 5461. I'm in most of the day. I need to talk to as many people as I can for a rounded picture, and your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Ross, thanks for the encouragement and discographical tips. Some of these I'm using as sources for my own Leader discography, which I hope will be definitive. I salute Reinhard Zierke for his trailblazing, extensive discographical work. I haven't yet explored the Topic data-base, but I will, especially now I know how to get there. Woodbine and Ivy, yes, Bill was telling me about them at our last interview.