The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12294   Message #3385200
Posted By: GUEST
02-Aug-12 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Origin: The Old Triangle
Subject: RE: The Old Triangle
Sminky...May i just add that the word hearsay implies nothing more than general gossip. I prefer the word anecdotal, as it describes precisely the situation we are discussing. Verbal evidence has been given by a number of people as to who the real author is, but it probably isn't worth the paper it's printed on??? lol! With that in mind, please don't get into a row about this subject, as it is only a song. As i've said on a number of occasions, It never enriched Dickie while he was alive, and was never that important to him in all fairness. It was if you like, a simple gift to his friend and drinking pal Brendan...FACT!!!

I'll leave it there i think?