The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143239   Message #3386026
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
04-Aug-12 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
The reolution was proposed by the West and the Arabs, and opposed by Russia and China.

BBC today
": the text (of the resolution) had to be watered down in an attempt to win over many states, dropping explicit calls for Bashar al-Assad to step down and for member states to support Arab League sanctions.

And even though the opposition was small, it again included China and Russia. Moscow opposed the resolution as unbalanced, making clear that it believes the UN is taking one side in a civil war"

Irish Times today
"Western and Arab powers want Dr Assad to step aside but Russia and China have used their security council vetoes to block attempts to force him out. They say outside interference is prolonging the bloodshed.

UN member states voted overwhelmingly yesterday to condemn the Syrian government at a special session of the 193-member general assembly that Western diplomats said highlighted the isolation of Russia and China."