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Thread #146117   Message #3386738
Posted By: Musket
06-Aug-12 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Olympics opening ceremony
Subject: RE: BS: Olympics opening ceremony
If I felt it were meaningful, I wouldn't be waffling away to get debate going on a bullshit section of a folk music website... I'd be someone I wouldn't want to talk to in the pub.

Anything can be an insult. When I was a lad, calling someone "Sailor" was a derogatory term meaning gay. You see, use of words has to take into account a moment in time and place, and whilst many pillocks used that term in a bad way, the irony was that the same blokes were proud if their lads went in the navy. I can think of one old bugger in particular. He was so happy that his lad didn't join him working down the pit, and we laughed our heads off when the same day as he was telling us about a passing out parade he went to, we was shouting abuse at an overman and called him a sailor.....

Musket was my school nick name. I don't think it meant anything too bad and I answered to it, but who knows, it may have started by an insult?

Olympics opening ceremony.. Anybody got a view? I ask purely for information.........