The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146136   Message #3387056
Posted By: MikeL2
07-Aug-12 - 05:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Olympic Games
Subject: RE: BS: The Olympic Games
Hi Dan

Well done Jen. I watched it all in hope of course that our "new girl on the block" Holly Bleasedale would do well. She got to the final and then it just didn't happen for her.

Then we had the nail-biting period when the top three jumped for gold.
Even the London rain couldn't dampen your great competitor. She was grat and fully deserved her win.

We too have a "local hero" here in Matthew Langridge who was in the Men's rowing Eight boat final. They sacrificed a sure silver by going for gold and were beaten and finished in Bronze position absolutely knackered.

The town is proud of him and his achievements and like you Dan we know just how hard these people work to follow their dream.

Yes of course there is much hype and hysteria at the games but there too is a great display of guts,skill and dedication by many contestants who are honest in their endeavours and who prefer a low key life.

