The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146302   Message #3387311
Posted By: Richard Bridge
07-Aug-12 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britons shall be slaves?
Subject: RE: Britons shall be slaves?
Well said leveller.

And as for Captain Sensible - you tell others to provide evidence - yet hide who you are. You say you work. I don't believe you. You are another adherent of the jackbooted scum who fraudulently claim yet accuse any of a different skin colour of parasitism no matter how hard they work. And accuse those on acres of hopeless jobless estate of avoiding work when there are no jobs for them to do.

If you want us to give you any credence, tell us your true name, your address, your job, and the name and address of your employer.

You and your clones know who I am and what I do. Don't hide in the shadows, coward.

Keith - if people are doing a job, pay them a proper wage. The workfare regime provides free workers to capitalists. Every such worker prevents another worker having a paying job. Even you can see that that is unjust. But it is also counterproductive as it reduces the velocity of circulation of money (to keep it simple for you I'll explain, the rich have a greater marginal propensity to save than the poor so extra money in the hands of the poor creates more economic growth than extra money in the hands of the rich) so reducing any tendency to economic growth. There is only one explanation: spite.