The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146302   Message #3387652
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
08-Aug-12 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britons shall be slaves?
Subject: RE: BS: Britons shall be slaves?
""'Some've' is an accepted abbreviation for 'Some of' in the same way that 'I've' 'I'll' 'We'll' are accepted forms of written or spoken word""

Sorry to spoil your day Happy, but you have actually shot down your own argument with a single bullet, "I've"!

It is an abbreviation for "I have"and so is "some've"
an abbreviation for "some have".

As in "Some've died in battle, and some've died in bed!", it is mostly used in poems, though I have heard it on many occasions in colloquial speech.

Don T.