The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27523   Message #338792
Posted By: Frankham
11-Nov-00 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Day of Absence for Democracy
There was a news report today that a box of ballots was stolen from a heavilly Democratic voting county. Now who would want to do a thing like that? :)

Florida is not known for it's lack of irregularities in voting procedures. It is however known for it's ties to corruption and has a history of criminal syndicate activity.

Rather than advance a conspiracy theory here, I would like to see how this might be exonerated by the attention given through the courts.

There is a possibility that the machines in the Palm Beach County area might have been faulty. If in case this is true, should the voters be penalized?

By the way, I saw that butterfly ballot in the newspaper and I think a solution would be for it to be redesigned so that Al Gore's name appears at the top and let's see how many Republicans can use it and get it right. Then we'll find out which block of voters are error prone.

JFK did not steal the election from Richard Nixon because the voting irregularities in Illinois did not account for the lead, however small, JFK had over Nixon. The analogy doesn't work.

The best scenario is to let it play out. The safety net is that if there is no president by Jan 20, the House of Representatives can legally pick one. In the meantime, instead of excusing what took place under Nixon and Kennedy, why don't we let the process go forward and get it right?

