The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146002   Message #3388135
Posted By: gnu
09-Aug-12 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun
Subject: RE: BS: Another wacked out guy with a gun....
"... white supremacist punk-rock is big, really big, in America's hinterlands."

Rich people do not recruit paid killers on Ivy League campuses as that would not be cost effective. Besides, the rich kids couldn't tell which way is east on a sunny morning and couldn't hit the side of a barn from 50 feet with a load of SSG and an 18 inch open cylinder.

Yes, that was kinda condescending wasn't it? But, only us gun nuts will understand. That's all the more reason for us gun nuts to stand up and grab the bullshit by the horns and get the job done. Fact is, as I have said COUNTLESS times in these ENDLESS and USELESS threads, the anti-gun nuts are shooting themselves AND THE RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS WHO WANT CHANGE in the foot because they just don't understand all of the issues. Jumping up and down and saying guns kill people is stunned as me arse but they still do it... and it gets them nowhere and fucks up the efforts of responsible gun owners who are trying to get SOMEwhere.

THIS thread (and allll of the rest of the threads over the yearssss here at Mudcat) is a microcosm of what goes on in the US on a national basis with regard to the gun PROBLEMS and legislation which CAN solve most of these problems. BIG PROBLEMS. But, the biggest problem that has to be overcome in moving forward is to get the anti-gun nuts to get themselves educated and get themselves organised so that they don't sound like a bunch of just plain stunned as me arse pie-in-the-sky little school girls in a fuckin beauty pageant wishing for world peace.

There. I said it. Smarten the fuck up. Get educated. Get organized. Quit bitching and moaning. Get the job done. If you ain't got the smarts or the balls to do it... get the fuck out of the way and stop thwarting the efforts of responsible gun owners to get the job done... they are on YOUR side and you haven't done anything realistic to get your job done or to help responsible gun owners get your job done.

It ain't fuckin rocket science. The only reason that gun laws in the US have not been revised to address these BIG problems in the last thirty years is directly attributable to the anti-gun nuts. Like I said, ya can't just jump up and down and say guns kill people. Ya just CAN'T. And don't give me that horse shit about the $NRA$. If your government is that corrupt, you NEED your guns. That ain't rocket science either, is it?

Don't tell me that an organized effort by intelligent people cannot defeat the gun lobby. If you say it, you are by no means intelligent or you have no balls or both.

One last thing. I been shootin since I was 5 years old (read alll the threadssss I have posted to). That's 50 years. I am appalled by the gun crimes. BUT, if I had to choose between the gun nuts and the anti-gun nuts right this very minute... praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Until you anti-gun nuts get educated, get organised and get a fuckin brain in yer collective heads the gun nuts are gonna prevail and that don't sit well with responsible gun owners like me. Come on eh? Get serious, get educated, get real, get organised, get the fuckin job done... or at least get out of the fuckin way.