The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146302   Message #3388260
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
10-Aug-12 - 05:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Britons shall be slaves?
Subject: RE: BS: Britons shall be slaves?
I truly believe that many people on benefits work 'on the side', sell drugs, commit minor theft etc because they are forced to by the total inadequacy of benefits to cover even the necessities of life. Even with all the additional 'help' such as housing benefit, no council tax to pay etc I cannot for the life of me see how anyone can pay for heating during a winter of minus ten degrees (here in UK), get about on public transport to find work or even to access the computer in a library for the notorious JobcentrePlus. Bus fares are expensive and there are no concessions for them. Even miserably basic food is quite dear, and charity shop clothes cost more than they used to. It reminds me of the philosophy of the introduction of the 19th Century Union Workhouses. Relief for the poor should be so miserable and untenable that they are forced to find work as quickly as possible. But where is the work? I'd love to see a politician live (not for a week, as on a TV programme) but for six months on benefits.