The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146309   Message #3388840
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
11-Aug-12 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Subject: RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
I thought I knew what detestment of a politician meant back then. But it has taken latest crew to teach me the true meaning.

I was in the NHS back in Thatcher's reign (am I right in saying she was the first UK politician to have a brand of politics named after her? Thatcherism?). I was certainly aware what happened in the NHS and mental health back then. Community could not care less was more the branding.

But this latest lot have reached the depths of anything that could be called uncaring as I have witnessed in my life time. Daily I see what the cuts are doing to vulnerable people and our aged population. Tragedy does not come close as a descriptor. Compassion has been taken from the system with a vengeance.

Thatcher may have been wrong over certain factors to do with the Falklands. She should have been honest about the Belgrano. It was a threat: we sunk it. End of. Sad but very true. As for the loss of life. Well that is to be regretted on all sides and can never be justified. But we have been in far worse places morally since.

What happened to the miners is probably the most bitter non war scenario this country has seen in some years. Families and friends torn apart with a divide and rule strategy that caused so much death and hatred. The vestiges are still with us today. I cry when I see the end of "Brassed Off" every time because in my opinion Pete Postlethwaites words are bang on as to how the miners got treated and not just by the government. The taunting by the Police on picket lines was a very low moment in this countries Police history. It served it's purpose though in the divide and rule conditions. It was not right what some miners did but it was equally not right what some of the police did. No Police ended up in jail though. For me it was not Thatcher's war with the Falklands that ruined her image (it likely got her re-elected) it was her poll taxing compassionless war on the miners. I wonder if she ever lost one wink of sleep over the hardship she brought about to all those families?

Just like I wonder if this present crew lose any sleep over those struggling to survive now?

Hate as a word can never adequately cover the emotion that they are generating in caring people over the harm they are causing to innocent folks who have worked all their lives only to have it robbed from them now, their money, their health, their dignity. The rich get richer seems all they care about and it's all so very sad indeed :-(
