The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146309   Message #3389258
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
12-Aug-12 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
Subject: RE: BS: Where now Thatcher haters?
well whatever she did, is did.

If history teaches one thing, its that the past is always open to re-interpretation.

Thomas Cromwell has always been a nasty git to the story tellers. But the historians have always had a good word for him - even the story tellers are coming round nowadays.

Historians of the future will be able to see from this thread that she was a controversial character - lots of shades of opinion.

I think maybe you had to live in a mining area to really hate her. They will never put it right, what she did. Whole communities gone. Families rent assunder. Children you thought would grow up in trade ,paying a mortgage, having a family - living on the streets, heroin freely available in every small town.

There again, I guess the Boleyn family wouldn't have had much good to say about the hero of Wolf Hall.